Smart Windows

Contact windows with e‑commerce intelligence

Product recommendations and powerful insights connected with your e-commerce catalog. All in a single contact window.

Book free demo

  • Real-time product recommendations
  • An all-in-one shopping experience, from product recommendations to checkout
  • Personalised experience and higher customer satisfaction

Features that 
will skyrocket 
your sales

  • Product recommendations
    on the spot
    Display and recommend the most suited products directly on the contact window, by interacting with customers and accessing their navigation history on your website
  • Easy access to your
    e-commerce catalog
    Search and recommend products directly from your catalog in just a few seconds
  • Quick access to viewed and recommended products
    Check which products have been recommended and which ones were viewed by the customer
  • Direct access to the
    shopping cart
    Have full visibility of which products were added to the customer shopping cart

Smart Windows
can be extended

Customers can freely access product recommendations and shopping cart back and forth during navigation through your website

Voice, text and
video channels

Communicate with customers through Live Chat, Click2Call or VideoCall, enabling a complete shopping experience.